Getting Started/Manage Profile and Interests
Managing Entities
Managing Groups
- Confirm Your Interest and Affiliation(s) in a Group
- Find Program Manager or Chair Contact Information for a Group or Project
- Create a Group
- Requirements for IEEE Standards Officers
- Assign Officers/Modify Officer Roles
- Accept an Assigned Role
PAR Submittal and NesCom Review
- Submit a PAR for a New IEEE Standard
- Accept or Reject a PAR
- View NesCom Submissions and Respond to Comments
- Submit a PAR for a Revision, Corrigendum, or Amendment to an Existing IEEE Standard
- Saving, Editing, Sharing, and Deleting a Draft PAR
- Modify an Approved PAR
- Submit a Draft for MEC
- View Ballot Details
- Initiate SA Ballot Invitation
- Send Notification to Invitation/Ballot Group
- Join SA Ballot Group (Individual and Entity Balloting)
- Pay to Join a Single Ballot (Individual and Entity Balloting)